Friday, January 10, 2014

Who is the next change agent?

I have been missing for the last couple of weeks.  Between the holidays and travel and the Polar Vortex making Indiana as cold as Anchorage Alaska it has been a busy time.  So I start 2014 with the question I have been asking people as I talk to them.  Who is the next great change agent?

With the passing of Nelson Mandela and comparisons of him to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi and other great change leaders of that generation I have been thinking about who is next?  Who will be the next person to rise and attack a major human wrong and lead the way to a wide-sweeping change in the way we as humans treat those who are less fortunate than us.

I have asked several people as I see them who they see as the next great leader/change agent and amazingly none of them can come up with a name.  I read about business leaders having great ideas (drones to deliver our packages from Amazon!) or political leaders who say the way we are going is wrong and we need to strike out in a new direction.  Yet I don't see the rise of someone who is saying they see a way to further attack inequities, discrimination, poverty or other problems plaguing our lives here on Planet Earth.

My husband forwarded a blog post to me today from Bob Lefsetz ( who normally writes about the music business.  He was lamenting the same thing mainly that there is so much inequity in this world that we may never overcome it.  "The truth is the game is rigged.  And until we're willing to stand back and say we're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore...."

This is not a call to action.  But if anyone who reads this blog knows of an emerging change agent, someone who you see will change the way we treat others in the future, or who will open opportunities for those who have none now, then let me know. 

Just a quick edit.  Today it was announced that singer, songwriter, activist Pete Seeger died at the age of 94 .  To paraphrase one of the quotes I read in his obituary, maybe we don't need one great leader but many small leaders.  So maybe the next change agent will come with the small things people do everyday that makes a difference in someone's life. 

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