Monday, April 25, 2016

You know you have been married for a long time...

This week was Pack Rat's and my anniversary.  It was definitely an exciting event.  On Tuesday night after we both got home from work we were watching the news.  The announcer recounted that April 19 was the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing.

"Wait a minute!" said Pack Rat, "Is today April 19?"

Me, "Yes, oh my goodness, it's our anniversary"  So you see Pack Rat is not the only clueless person in the family.

"Happy Anniversary" we say to each other.

Not exactly the exciting, romantic type of anniversary celebration many people experience.  When you have been married 41 years like we have I guess it is just another day.

To be honest I had thought about it a few days earlier and had planned to make a nice dinner so we can have a quiet evening at home.  We are going into Pack Rat's busy time of the year with work so for him it is hard to find a weekend or an evening that he is free for dinner out. 

I have had the honor and blessing to have been married to my best friend as well as a wonderful husband.  Yes, we have our squabbles but overall it has been a wonderful journey and I hope we have many more years together. 

Happy Anniversary, Pack Rat! 

Monday, April 18, 2016

A blessing and a curse.

Being a writer I am often playing out scenarios in my head.  I may see something during the day and all of a sudden I am thinking, "Wow, I need to remember that for a book."  Sometimes I write the ideas down to pull out later.  More often I think of writing them down and then they are lost in the many things that happen throughout the day.  This can be a blessing or a curse. 

Last week I was at the physical therapist's starting some treatment for a sore shoulder. (the reason for the sore shoulder is another story I won't share here)   There was a high school age girl there working on some exercises.  I don't know anything about her other than she was very cute, very high energy and very talkative.  As she was leaving she mentioned that the prom was that weekend.  The physical therapist mentioned, as a joke, that he hoped her date did not cancel on her.  Then he said, "wait, you would drag his dead body to the prom with you!"

I was not included in the conversation but once I heard that I started laughing.  In my mind I saw this beautiful girl all dressed up in her prom garb dragging the dead body of her boyfriend (also dressed up in his tux or whatever they wear now) to the prom with her.  I thought what a great story title,  Zombie Prom! 

That is the blessing of having a writer's mind.  The curse is that sometimes I come up with stories about people that are no where close to the truth.

Recently our neighbor, who is a woman who lives alone because her children are all grown, had a younger man move in with her.  My husband and I were speculating about their relationship.  Well, I was thinking,  "Good for her, a younger man!"  My mind immediately in the gutter (hubba! hubba!).

We were both far from the truth.  Last weekend she was out working in her yard and her head had been shaved.  We asked and she said that she had been treated for breast cancer seven years ago and it had gone into remission.  Recently it returned, with a vengeance, and she was suffering from an extremely aggressive form of cancer.  Although she is getting treatment the doctors said that she will not go back into remission again.  The treatment may help give her a little more time but she is facing the day soon when treatments will end and she will just be waiting for the cancer to end her life.  

My internal stories of an older woman with a younger man were so wrong.  The man is a friend who is there to help her with everyday tasks so she can continue to function as well as she can right now.  Her children are all grown and she lives alone so he will be helping her through her final days.

A blessing and a curse.  Sometimes my flights of fancy can be funny and give me a visual of the "Zombie Prom"  Other times I am completely wrong and someone is just trying to get through this life as best as they can.  Lesson learned - don't judge so quickly. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Water for a Millennium!

Recently I have found that I do not like the taste of diet drinks.  I usually drink water but when I want something a little fizzy I will turn to sparkling water, with a wedge of lemon or lime in it.  Now I know that dentists say that anything that has carbonation is bad for your teeth but sometimes only something a little fizzy will do.

I bought some sparkling water from Meijer last week, where I usually shop.  It was on sale so I thought it would be fine.  Now the obsessive compulsive side of me always looks at the dates on any food.  I want to know the date for ... Use by:  Sell by:  or Best by:

Here is what the label on my sparkling water has on it:

OK, this water is Best By: May 3016!  I guess I don't have to worry about hurrying up and drinking this water right away!

I have never seen any product that is good for 1,000 years!  Will the bottle hold up that long?  Will it still be carbonated for a millennium?   Will people (if there are still people around) be drinking water in the year 3016.  Where will they store water that is good for 1,000 years?  All these thoughts just boggle my mind. 

My husband, the Pack Rat, said that it must be a misprint.  Someone at the bottling plant just keyed in the wrong number.  I find thinking about thousand year old sparkling water just staggering.

What do you think?  Is it a mistake or will this bottle be around for a thousand years?