Friday, February 8, 2013

A New Life!

On Monday January 21, 2013 we got the anticipated call from our son.  Our grandson, Ronan, was being born that day and he asked that we drive to Nashville to be there.  We missed the birth because of the time it took to get out of town but we were there the very next day to see our grandson.  My husband and I got to hold him when he was less than a day old!  Grandchildren are wonderful.  They are perfect and beautiful and you can give them back to their parents!  

Ronan is surrounded by lots of loving family.  He has 2 parents, 5 grand parents (a combination of steps and biological), 2 great-grand parents and 1 great-great grandfather.  His mother's best friend and his great grandmother were there for his birth in addition to his mom and dad.  My husband is thrilled because Ronan carries on the family name.  All the other children born to my husband's family from my son's generation have been girls.  I'm just thrilled because he is healthy, beautiful and perfect. 

Ronan's mom's family welcomed him with great excitement and celebration.  All of his cousins, who are all girls, dressed up for his homecoming so they could get their pictures taken with him.   I was teasing my son that they need one of those take-a-number ticket machines to accommodate all the people who want to hold Ronan.  Again, he is a very fortunate boy and surrounded by love. 

I look ahead to many years being able to watch Ronan grow up and be part of this large family who care deeply for him.  I also look forward to more grandchildren in the future.  Right now he looks just like his dad did when he was a baby.  Will he grow up to look like his dad or his mom?  Will he inherit the family pack rat gene?  I can't wait to see what the future holds for this little guy and all of us who love him already.