Monday, January 2, 2017

Here's to 2017!

I am starting out the new year with goals not resolutions.  I read about this in another post and decided this year I will focus on goals.  One goal is to become a regular contributor to this blog.  I need to get back into the habit of writing.

Last year was so awful.  It was a difficult year for my husband, health-wise.  He is on the mend and focused on this year being a healthy year for him.  It was also just so distasteful with the horrible election we experienced here in the United States.  I just want to get past all the unpleasantness and move on.  We not only had the contentious presidential election in the United States but nasty state elections here in Indiana.  That wish may not be fulfilled as people from both sides (winning and losing especially in the presidential election) can't seem to move on.

In spite of some of the difficulties of last year it was also a year of great blessings.  My husband and I both have wonderful jobs, which we both enjoy.  We have friends, family and faith.  Our son is doing well in his chosen profession.  Our grandson is thriving and is a total delight to us.

Back to "goals not resolutions."  This year I am focusing on my writing.  I WILL finish that novel that I have been playing around with for over a year.  I WILL post regularly on this blog to keep myself writing regularly.

I also plan to be more physically active.  That does not sound like it would relate to wanting to write more but I will figure it out somehow.  I am at an age where I need to focus on moving as much as possible.  I will let you know how it progresses.

So what are your goals, not resolutions, for 2017?   Do you plan to make changes this year? 


  1. Had to stop in to see you, Carolyn. I'm there with you on those goals (and the election), and hope we all have a splendid year this year.

    1. Liz, thanks so much for stopping by. I hope your new year is especially splendid!


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