Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How much is a "mess" and other interesting terms.

Recently I was at the farmer's market that we visit on Saturdays.  I was talking to a young man who has helped his father at their booth all summer.  We were talking about green beans (I know green beans were in my post last week also).  I asked what amount of beans you received for the price they had posted.  He replied that you got a good "mess" of them.  I had not heard that term since I visited my husband's family in southern Ohio many years ago.  They always referred to fixing a "mess" of green beans (or corn or tomatoes or whatever from the garden).  I would ask my husband "how much is a mess?" His reply was that it was enough to feed everyone at the table. 

So I asked this young man at the farmer's market,  "How much is a mess?"  He replied that is was probably about two pounds of green beans.  I went on to ask him where he had heard the term "mess."  He replied that it is an "old time" term used by his grandparents and the older people in his family.  He just happened to pick it up and use it also.  I was telling him the story about my husband's family using the term also and how I always found it fascinating. 

Being a writer I am always tuned into language.  I find it fascinating to hear terms about items or how people refer to things in different parts of the world.  My husband and I are hockey fans and have friends from all over the world we have met through hockey.  Although I know that hockey jerseys are also referred to as "sweaters" it was surprising to hear that term used by one of my Canadian friends.  Not because it was wrong but just because it was the first time I had heard someone call a jersey a "sweater."  Sweaters are knitted things you put on when the room is a little cool.  Jerseys are heavy material with logos, numbers, names and sometimes advertising worn by hockey players.  If you are a collector of hockey jerseys (or sweaters) you want one that is preferably authentic (with the fighting strap), game worn and maybe has a few rips and blood stains on it.  Those are the ones that are really valuable.

I work at a college and we often discuss diversity and how it adds to the richness of life on campus.  For me the diversity of language is also something that adds a richness to my life.  So what are the words you find interesting?  Whether you eat a "mess" of green beans or a serving or you wear a sweater or jersey to play hockey language adds to the complexity of our lives.  The journey through language is just fascinating.  

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