Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I got nothing!

For the last few weeks I have been opening this blog and planning to write something.  Yet when I get to this item on my "to do" list I can't think of anything to write.  Is this writer's block or something else?

Right now things are difficult at work.  Decisions have been made regarding my work in which I am not in agreement.  Yet I have to do what I am told when the decision is taken out of my hands.  This week change and things will get better but right now it is pretty rocky.  I'm fighting hard not to end up in the pit of depression.  Even my smart phone is acting up, it is using the battery power really quickly so I have to charge it several times a day.  

I have checked with Google on how I can fix my cell phone but the instructions are pretty involved and I either don't have the energy or the time to go through all the steps that are recommended.  So I just hang on and hope things will be better, or I will end up getting a new phone. 

What do you do when you are just a a low ebb in life?  I need some boosters for my psyche right now.  I will work harder at eating right and getting some exercise every day.   That always seems to help me. 

So, I am sorry I am using this space to do a little whining.  I know things will change and turn around for the better.  Send some good thoughts and prayers my way. 

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