Tuesday, August 5, 2014

64 is the new ....

So this last weekend I attended a Heart concert.  Ann and Nancy Wilson have been among my favorite rock performers for years.  The last time I saw them in a live concert was in the mid-80's.   This year for Mother's Day my husband got me second row seats for their concert at Hoosier Park in Anderson Indiana.  Since my husband was working I took a friend.

The girls can still rock!  We were in a crowd of about 3500 screaming fans.  They played many of their older hits and some new material also.  When they came out for the encore and launched into Led Zepplin's Immigrant Song the place went wild!   We were on our feet for the entire show and during the encore were jumping up and down!  It was fabulous.

Yes, the concert is structured so Ann can take a rest or a background role about every third song.  But her voice is as strong as ever.  Yes, Nancy may not jump and kick as high as she did 30 years ago but she is still a guitar (and other stringed instrument) virtuoso.  At 64 and 60 respectively these girls still have it and can rock out with the best of them.  (Did you see them do Stairway to Heaven at the Kennedy Center Honors Led Zepplin?  If not check it out!).  I am so glad I got to go to the show and experience them up close and personal. 

My friend I took to the concert is 64 also.  She and I jumped and screamed and had a wonderful time. 

So then on Monday I was checking Facebook and one of my favorite authors was celebrating her 64th birthday (Liz Flaherty - if you have not read her book "One More Summer" check it out.  It's one of my favorites.)  She was reflecting on one blog (WordWranglers) that being 64 was not so bad.  She is enjoying life and continuing her writing.

Both experiences got me thinking that as I am aging I hope I can continue to do the things I love and learn new things also.

So, rock on, Heart!  Write on, Liz Flaherty!  Keep it coming ladies.  You are so good at what you do and also you are an inspiration to those of us who are not so talented. 

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