Monday, June 16, 2014

It's Always Something!

It seems like recently I have been either saying or hearing this phrase "It's always something!"   I was talking to a work colleague late last week and we were comparing notes on the reorganization at the college where we both work.  Although many of the changes will end up eventually being positive we were both unsure about what the changes would bring to our lives and jobs.  Between the two of us it seems like that was the theme of the day, "It's always something!" 

As I was telling my husband about this over the weekend he also agreed.  No matter what is going on it seems like "It's always something!"  Recently I had a check up with my doctor and even though everything was fine he reminded me I was overdue for two regular wellness check ups.  So I left his office with referrals for two different doctors I need to see over the next six months. 

It can also be something positive that brings up the phrase, "It's always something!"  A few years ago we had a hockey player living with us who has a lobster business with his father.  He and his father have a commercial lobster license and they tend about 100 lobster traps off the shore of Massachusetts.  During his school breaks he works the traps, either selling or giving away the lobsters he catches.  One spring his father sent us 8 live lobsters he had caught the previous day.  He wrapped them in seaweed and sent them over night to our front door.  Although we were thrilled to receive the very generous gift we also were extremely busy that day. Luckily I had a chef friend who offered to cook them for me so that evening we enjoyed fresh lobster for dinner! 

So "It's always something!" can be something negative, like a work reorganization the results in stress and uncertainty about the future.  It can also be something unexpected in the midst of good news, my doctor check up was fine but I needed to take care of some regular maintenance on my body.  Or it can be something positive, a box of fresh, live lobsters on your front porch and a friend who helps to cook them for your evening feast. 

As someone who tries to look at life as a "glass half full" experience I hope to continue to say, "It's always something!" knowing that something can be a transition to a positive experience or outcome. 

What do you think?  How do you handle "It's always something!" 


  1. This is kind of funny, I almost used this phrase with you tonight when we spoke. You are right, "it's always something", can be a good thing. I need to keep that in mind. Thanks for the support tonight:)

    1. Marty, Thanks for the comment. I appreciate you reading and commenting. Yes it is always something! It's up to us to find the positive in it and not focus on the negative. Sometimes the negative may be a doorway to a new opportunity!


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