Monday, April 11, 2016

Water for a Millennium!

Recently I have found that I do not like the taste of diet drinks.  I usually drink water but when I want something a little fizzy I will turn to sparkling water, with a wedge of lemon or lime in it.  Now I know that dentists say that anything that has carbonation is bad for your teeth but sometimes only something a little fizzy will do.

I bought some sparkling water from Meijer last week, where I usually shop.  It was on sale so I thought it would be fine.  Now the obsessive compulsive side of me always looks at the dates on any food.  I want to know the date for ... Use by:  Sell by:  or Best by:

Here is what the label on my sparkling water has on it:

OK, this water is Best By: May 3016!  I guess I don't have to worry about hurrying up and drinking this water right away!

I have never seen any product that is good for 1,000 years!  Will the bottle hold up that long?  Will it still be carbonated for a millennium?   Will people (if there are still people around) be drinking water in the year 3016.  Where will they store water that is good for 1,000 years?  All these thoughts just boggle my mind. 

My husband, the Pack Rat, said that it must be a misprint.  Someone at the bottling plant just keyed in the wrong number.  I find thinking about thousand year old sparkling water just staggering.

What do you think?  Is it a mistake or will this bottle be around for a thousand years? 

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